
exhibition invitation, pdf (380.9 KB)
view of installation: helmut dirnaichner and klaus staudt

view of installation: helmut dirnaichner and klaus staudt

documentation: ivan murzin

klaus staudt, "out of the blue" (2023), wood, acrylic paint, nails, 250 × 650 cm

klaus staudt, "out of the blue" (2023), wood, acrylic paint, nails, 250 × 650 cm

helmut dirnaichner and klaus staudt
helmut dirnaichner and klaus staudt
view of installation (fltr): klaus staudt "out of the blue" (2023), "echo" (2013); helmut dirnaichner "sieben steine" (2023)

view of installation (fltr): klaus staudt "out of the blue" (2023), "echo" (2013); helmut dirnaichner "sieben steine" (2023)

helmut dirnaichner, "sieben steine" (2023), blue iron ore, lapis lazuli, malachite, orpiment, cinnabar, anthracite, cellulose, 420 × 400 cm

helmut dirnaichner, "sieben steine" (2023), blue iron ore, lapis lazuli, malachite, orpiment, cinnabar, anthracite, cellulose, 420 × 400 cm

helmut dirnaichner and klaus staudt
view of installation: helmut dirnaichner and klaus staudt

view of installation: helmut dirnaichner and klaus staudt

view of installation: klaus staudt

view of installation: klaus staudt

view of installation: klaus staudt

view of installation: klaus staudt

view of installation: helmut dirnaichner and klaus staudt

view of installation: helmut dirnaichner and klaus staudt

helmut dirnaichner, "oltre il nero" (1992), anthrazit, lapislazuli, cellulose, diameter: 95 cm

helmut dirnaichner, "oltre il nero" (1992), anthrazit, lapislazuli, cellulose, diameter: 95 cm

klaus staudt, "lightning" (2000), acrylic glass, wood, paint, 70 × 70 × 4 cm

klaus staudt, "lightning" (2000), acrylic glass, wood, paint, 70 × 70 × 4 cm

view of installation: helmut dirnaichner and klaus staudt

view of installation: helmut dirnaichner and klaus staudt

view of installation: klaus staudt

view of installation: klaus staudt

klaus staudt, "reliefdruck" (1974), original-silkscreen on paper, 60 × 60 cm, edition hoffmann, edition of 100

klaus staudt, "reliefdruck" (1974), original-silkscreen on paper, 60 × 60 cm, edition hoffmann, edition of 100

view of installation: helmut dirnaichner and klaus staudt

view of installation: helmut dirnaichner and klaus staudt

helmut dirnaichner, "nero" (1996) and "bianco" (1996)

helmut dirnaichner, "nero" (1996) and "bianco" (1996)

view of installation: klaus staudt, "merkur" (1996), wood, acrylic paint, acrylic glass, 241 x 313 x 49 cm

view of installation: klaus staudt, "merkur" (1996), wood, acrylic paint, acrylic glass, 241 × 313 × 49 cm

view of installation: klaus staudt "relief – im mittelpunkt (1/1233)" (2016) and "relief - präsent (1/1237)" (2016)

view of installation: klaus staudt "relief – im mittelpunkt (1/1233)" (2016) and "relief - präsent (1/1237)" (2016)

view of installation: helmut dirnaichner "oltremare" (1999), lapis lazuli, azurit, vivianit, cellulose, 260 × 60 cm

view of installation: helmut dirnaichner "oltremare" (1999), lapis lazuli, azurit, vivianit, cellulose, 260 × 60 cm

helmut dirnaichner and klaus staudt
helmut dirnaichner and klaus staudt
view of installation: helmut dirnaichner and klaus staudt

view of installation: helmut dirnaichner and klaus staudt

klaus staudt, "relief – MU X / 1 CB" (1969), wood, acrylic paint, acrylic glass, 40 x 40 x 6 cm

klaus staudt, "relief – mu × / 1 cb" (1969), wood, acrylic paint, acrylic glass, 40 × 40 × 6 cm

helmut dirnaichner and klaus staudt
view of installation: helmut dirnaichner and klaus staudt

view of installation: helmut dirnaichner and klaus staudt

helmut dirnaichner, "sedimente lapislazuli" (1996), lapis lazuli, cellulose, limestone, h: 134 cm, diameter: 27 cm

helmut dirnaichner, "sedimente lapislazuli" (1996), lapis lazuli, cellulose, limestone, h: 134 cm, diameter: 27 cm

helmut dirnaichner and klaus staudt
helmut dirnaichner, "übers meer, 5-part" (1990), lapis lazuli, cellulose, 42 x 30 cm

helmut dirnaichner, "übers meer, 5-part" (1990), lapis lazuli, cellulose, 42 × 30 cm

view of installation: helmut dirnaichner

view of installation: helmut dirnaichner

documentation of the artist conversation "can matter be immaterial?" between klaus staudt and helmut dirnaichner, july 22 at galerie hoffmann

documentation of installation: klaus staudt, "out of the blue" (2023), wood, acrylic paint, nails, 250 × 650 cm

video: jan daniel fritz


#0406 grüne steine

helmut dirnaichner

#0406 grüne steine


verdit, malachit, türkis, chrysokoll, trovato, jaspis, azurit, zellulose on wood

124 × 119 × 4.2 cm
4′ 78″ × 3′ 10 1416″ ×  1 1016


#9618 nero

helmut dirnaichner

#9618 nero


graphit, kohle, bleiglanz, vivianit, eisenoxyd, hämatit, vulkanasche paricutín, pyrit, braunkohle, elfennbeinschwarz, zellulose on wood

43 × 40.5 cm
1′ 4 1516″ × 1′ 3 1516


#9620 bianco

helmut dirnaichner

#9620 bianco


bergkristall, rosenquarz, tuffstein, cristobalit, lithopon, zellulose on wood

66 × 64 × 5.5 cm
2′ 2″ × 2′ 1 316″ ×  2 14



klaus staudt



original-silkscreen on plexiglas in plexiglas frame

50 × 50 × 4.5 cm
1′ 7 1116″ × 1′ 7 1116″ ×  1 1216

edition hoffmann

edition of 15 + 5 e.d’a.

4200 € incl. VAT


ohne titel

klaus staudt



screenprint auf on cardboard

58 × 58 cm
1′ 10 34″ × 1′ 10 34

edition of 100



klaus staudt



plexiglas, wood, paint

70 × 70 × 4 cm
2′ 3 916″ × 2′ 3 916″ ×  1 916



klaus staudt



plexiglas, wood, lacquer

49.6 × 29.5 × 28 cm
1′ 7 816″ ×  11 1016″ ×  11″

edition of 5


klaus staudt



plexiglas, wood, lacquer

65 × 30.2 × 30.2 cm
2′ 1 916″ ×  11 1416″ ×  11 1416

edition of expl. 5/e.a.


klaus staudt



wood, acrylic paint, plexiglas

197 × 89 × 7.8 cm
6′ 5 916″ × 2′ 11 116″ ×  3 116


mu x / 1 cb

klaus staudt

mu x / 1 cb


wood, acrylic paint, plexiglas

40 × 40 × 6 cm
1′ 3 34″ × 1′ 3 34″ ×  2 616


supported by the federal minister for culture and media, neustart kultur and stiftung kunstfonds

Gefördert von der Beauftragten der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien
Gefördert durch Neustart Kultur
Gefördert von der Stiftung Kunstfonds